
  I found a wear behavior of pfctl.

  I have this pf.conf (I am going to show only the lines that matters):

  external = "cdce0"

  internal = "re0"

  set loginterface $external

  set loginterface $internal

  According to this both interfaces are collecting statistics...but if I
run the command "pfctl -s info" then shows:

  Status: Enabled for 2 days 05:32:27           Debug: Urgent

Interface Stats for re0               IPv4             IPv6
  Bytes In                        70220217              256
  Bytes Out                     1143449060               64
  Packets In
    Passed                          729463                0
    Blocked                           1305                4
  Packets Out
    Passed                         1030555                1
    Blocked                              0                0

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                       31
  searches                         3537290           18.4/s
  inserts                            55561            0.3/s
  removals                           55530            0.3/s
Source Tracking Table
  current entries                        0
  searches                              52            0.0/s
  inserts                               45            0.0/s
  removals                              45            0.0/s
  match                              57878            0.3/s
  bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
  fragment                               0            0.0/s
  short                                  0            0.0/s
  normalize                              0            0.0/s
  memory                                 0            0.0/s
  bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
  congestion                             0            0.0/s
  ip-option                              0            0.0/s
  proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
  state-mismatch                         3            0.0/s
  state-insert                           0            0.0/s
  state-limit                            0            0.0/s
  src-limit                              6            0.0/s
  synproxy                            3895            0.0/s

 These are the statistics from the re0. Where are the statistics for
cdce0?? At the beginning I thought that I must specify the interface
too, so I run "pfctl -s info -i cdce0" and this is what I get:

Status: Enabled for 2 days 05:36:14           Debug: Urgent

Interface Stats for re0               IPv4             IPv6
  Bytes In                        70246068              256
  Bytes Out                     1143604443               64
  Packets In
    Passed                          729802                0
    Blocked                           1305                4
  Packets Out
    Passed                         1031060                1
    Blocked                              0                0

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                       18
  searches                         3538763           18.3/s
  inserts                            55570            0.3/s
  removals                           55552            0.3/s
  match                              57887            0.3/s
  bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
  fragment                               0            0.0/s
  short                                  0            0.0/s
  normalize                              0            0.0/s
  memory                                 0            0.0/s
  bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
  congestion                             0            0.0/s
  ip-option                              0            0.0/s
  proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
  state-mismatch                         3            0.0/s
  state-insert                           0            0.0/s
  state-limit                            0            0.0/s
  src-limit                              6            0.0/s
  synproxy                            3903            0.0/s

 Uhmmm....re0 again.

 After that I commented the line "#set loginterface $internal" and then
the output was this:

 pfctl -s info

 Status: Enabled for 2 days 05:45:35           Debug: Urgent

Interface Stats for cdce0             IPv4             IPv6
  Bytes In                      1141692958                0
  Bytes Out                       69905474               64
  Packets In
    Passed                         1025771                0
    Blocked                           3613                0
  Packets Out
    Passed                          732470                1
    Blocked                           1317                0

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                       17
  searches                         3545032           18.3/s
  inserts                            55951            0.3/s
  removals                           55934            0.3/s
  match                              58275            0.3/s
  bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
  fragment                               0            0.0/s
  short                                  0            0.0/s
  normalize                              0            0.0/s
  memory                                 0            0.0/s
  bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
  congestion                             0            0.0/s
  ip-option                              0            0.0/s
  proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
  state-mismatch                         3            0.0/s
  state-insert                           0            0.0/s
  state-limit                            0            0.0/s
  src-limit                              6            0.0/s
  synproxy                            3911            0.0/s

Aha !!! cdce0 !!!

I noticed this problem after install pfstats and set up the
configuration file (just the lines that matters again):

collect 1 = interface "cdce0" pass bytes in ipv4 diff
collect 2 = interface "cdce0" pass bytes out ipv4 diff
collect 3 = global states entries

With both interfaces getting statistics, pfstats shows nothing (there is
no graphics). With just cdce0 getting statistics then pfstats works as

Both configurations were working ok on OpenBSD 4.4. After I upgraded
(reinstall) to 4.5 then the issue shows up.

Any ideas?



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