On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Alvaro Mantilla Gimenez
<alv...@dydnetworks.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I found a wear behavior of pfctl.
>  I have this pf.conf (I am going to show only the lines that matters):
>  ---------------------------------
>  external = "cdce0"
>  internal = "re0"
>  set loginterface $external
>  set loginterface $internal
>  ---------------------------------
>  According to this both interfaces are collecting statistics...but if I
> run the command "pfctl -s info" then shows:

I don't think that is true. I believe you can only 'set loginterface'
for only one interface or interface-group:

$ man pf.conf
     set loginterface
             Enable collection of packet and byte count statistics for the
             given interface or interface group.

$ man ifconfig
     group group-name
                     Assign the interface to a ``group''.  Any interface can
                     be in multiple groups.

might be what you are looking for.

>  After that I commented the line "#set loginterface $internal" and then
> the output was this:

Reverse the order of 'set loginterface ...' in your pf.conf and try
`pfctl -si'. Does that reverse your findings?


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