Searching my favourites I've found these two sites to be up and running with fresh info and active comunities:

Good luck with the project!


Chris Bennett escribis:

Abel Abraham Camarillo Ojeda wrote:
I also don't like too much translating... but can help whenever
possible (native spanish speaker).

It's just that all the people that I know that can use (thoroughly)
OpenBSD in my city can also read english very well (at least)...

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 08:24:54AM +0100, Daniel Gracia Garallar wrote:
I'm not aware of many spanish resources... AFAIK, the only big resource centre was the Mexican community, but now it seems to be gone with all their translated and own documents.

I'd never been a big advocate of translating efforts, but as a native spanish speaker, I should help whenever possible :)

The group of people I am working with don't speak English.
They also have more limited needs for a computer.

OpenBSD offers an excellent price (free), for basic computing needs:
web browsing, sending email, word processing, editing photos, etc.

Their main cost will be just buying a computer, even older equipment works very well with OpenBSD.

Oh, yeah. I think it would be appropriate if I sent in a donation with each install I do like this.

There is that website that records older websites, waybackmachine or something like that.
Maybe the Mexican site has been recorded there? I will try and look for it.

Chris Bennett

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