On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, David Vasek wrote:

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Mikael Bak wrote:

Hi list,

Seems to me that this card isn't recognized at boot time (dmesg pasted at the end of this email). It's a PCMCIA card. Instead of a wifi device OpenBSD tries to allocate a serial port (com3).

I don't think it is necessarily related to the wi(4) driver. I experienced very similar behaviour with an ne(4) PCMCIA card (D-Link DE-650). Sometimes it got detected correctly as ne3, sometimes as a non-working serial port (pccom?). The machine was a ThinkPad T42 and the following part of the dmesg is from 4.2-current. ACPI was not configured. I haven't used that card since then.

It hasn't changed. The Ethernet card gets incorrectly detected as com* in one PCMCIA slot (pcmcia0) and correctly as ne3 in the other (pcmcia1). It still has some probles there from time to time. Don't know what is the cause of this.

Have you tried your wi(4) card in both PCMCIA slots in your laptop? (One slot at a time, of course.)


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