I used to run into problems on old equipment (old in 1997 already) running the daily and weekly scripts early in the morning around the time I was arriving at work.

find and conditional execution are one method available of checking the age of the database.


        /usr/bin/find /var/db/ \
                -name locate.database  \
                ! -ctime 7 \
        && \
        echo "nice /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb" \
                |  /usr/bin/at now +1$(($RANDOM % 10)) minutes

I'm guessing that desktops stay on for a while.

One possible option is that the installation script asks IF /etc/rc.local should also run the daily or weekly scripts if overdue then, if yes, asks how long after startup the refreshing should begin.

Netbooks and notebooks are subject to too many strange situations to be able to generalize a script that won't offend large numbers of users.

apm is in base and could keep the refresher script from running if there is no battery


        test 1 -eq `/usr/sbin/apm -a` && \
        /usr/bin/find /var/db/ \
                -name locate.database  \
                ! -ctime 7 \
        && \
        echo "nice /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb" \
                |  /usr/bin/at now +1$(($RANDOM % 10)) minutes


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