Philip Guenther wrote:
On Friday, March 5, 2010, Alex Carver  wrote:
Assembler messages:
Warning: end of file not at end of a line; newline inserted
cpp0: output pipe has been closed
cc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
[standard input]:2197: Error: Illegal operands

The error isn't always the same file on two consecutive tries but they do seem 
to repeat themselves (in other words, init_sysent.c has shown up as an error 
more than once but not consecutively, same for pf.c)

Intermittent and inconsistent signal 11's from the compiler: that's
classically the sign of bad memory in the box.  Try removing or
replacing the memory.

Ok, I've gone through multiple iterations of memory sticks of various sizes and even swapped motherboards but I still get signal 11's. Is there a low memory flag I can set that will prevent make from using all available RAM? This signal 11 issue doesn't crop up immediately, it takes quite some time before it finally shows up.

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