On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 07:14:36PM -0700, Alexander Carver wrote:
> >>The error isn't always the same file on two consecutive tries but they do 
> >>seem to repeat themselves (in other words, init_sysent.c has shown up as 
> >>an error more than once but not consecutively, same for pf.c)
> >
> >Intermittent and inconsistent signal 11's from the compiler: that's
> >classically the sign of bad memory in the box.  Try removing or
> >replacing the memory.
> >
> Ok, I've gone through multiple iterations of memory sticks of various 
> sizes and even swapped motherboards but I still get signal 11's.  Is 
> there a low memory flag I can set that will prevent make from using all 
> available RAM?  This signal 11 issue doesn't crop up immediately, it 
> takes quite some time before it finally shows up.

Did you also try changing the power supply? Even if spurious
segmentation faults are *often* caused by bad memory, bad mainboards,
overheated cpus etc., they *may* also be caused by a bad power


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