> Then there are those, like myself, that use OpenBSD for a few
> specific tasks because doing it on OpenBSD is significantly less
> painful than doing it on anything else.

Personally I turn that on it's head

Doing everything possible on OpenBSD aside from updating packages is
less painful because there is less to worry about and check and because
it is so stable. I use OpenBSD for almost everything that it can be used
for and switch to others for the rare things it's not so good at like
flash (hopefully dying), retail games, some windows software and
supporting the latest tv receivers.

My mates vista didn't have enough memory and was running rediculously
slow, he switched to Linux and it was all good but then when running
out of space due to so many auto kernel upgrades, kde wouldn't log in.
His bios battery went and so when his girlfriends mum pulled the plug
on his laptop at night and he booted in the morning, linux dropped to a
single user shell wanting fsck -fy; exit. He found setting the date
forwards sorted it and ended up at 2021 before he got it to me to have
a look.

If OpenBSD ran flash and was easy for him to update he wouldn't have had
either of those problems. Maybe freebsd or pcbsd would have suited him.
I'm not sure.

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