On 6/11/10 7:46 PM, Marco Peereboom wrote:
Haha odbc and mysqueel you do like pain eh?

I know. But it's fast and when customers use MySQL, then you flow with it.

Why do you need ms access?

Strictly as a GUI interface only. Liek select a row and paste huge quantity of data that customers sent to update their database, etc. All done at once and I get them most of the time in excel and sometime in Access. So, select all data, and paste in Access link to MySQL via ODBC and all is pasting all at once oppose to Open Office for example that will and can only do one row. Think of it as a quick interfcae of editing directly the database records. If oyu edit only one record, then you can do somethng else, but dong multiple one, then it's still the fastest way.

I still don't get what the problem is.

It's a speed of usage issue for multiple row editing. I can do quick edit directly with MySQL client in the DB, but when it comes to multiple rows entry, etc. If you get the data in either from and then try to convert in SQL statement for import and all. It takes way to much time to do it and in the end, What I do in 30 seconds would take a very long time doing it like that. It's a practical data editing and entry that it's used for. And again Access is only and strictly use for it's capability of GUI edit/paste only. And obviously I still need it to read the data I get obviously.

I know the idea looks stupid. I grant you that. (;> But if you ever see it, you would see that it is darn quick and save countless hours and as time is always missing in my days, anything that same me some will be strongly consider. Plus ODBC is pretty darn old to and looks like places start to drop it's usage too. It's a very limited usage and I really do not care for any features of Access, etc. I could care less for it. As I sai,d I only and strictly use it as a GUI over ODBC to edit records directly in the remote database. Nothing else.

I may not explain myself very well I agree. Sometime I have problem doing so. but that's all there is to it really. Nothing more then that. That's why it looks to stupid doing so and replacing it should be very simple. But I just do not have an alternative for it and I looked for many years! That is really the only thing I still have that force me to keep VMWare, Microsoft and Access on a MAC for example. Everything else have been replaced and I do not have an alternative yet on an OpenBSD desktop. A very small price to pay, but never the less still stuck with it.

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