On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, J.C. Roberts wrote:

> My article was just a humorous retelling of the very typical problems
> seen by people traveling.  The trouble with humor is it can make no
> sense across language or cultural barriers.  I like to think the world
> is a better place when we can laugh, but unfortunately, due to cultural
> and language differences, some people will not understand or appreciate
> all of the jokes.
> If you asked me to understand a language other than English, I would
> fail miserably, but if you asked me to understand jokes in another
> language or from another culture, I would fail even worse. You would
> have to explain the jokes to me, and even then I might not get them due
> to lack of experience.

I don't think language was a barrier. He can write in English, unlike 
me, very well. Anyway, I laughed a lot.

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