
My post was not intended as a direct hit for the article. I told my
opinion to misc@ because undeadly ask for subscription, no more
anonymous coward post. Am I wrong ?

I target airport behaviour with my comment. I use the airport for 6
flight until now, no problem at all with security teams. I was quick
and polite in answers and the time with them was short. Most of them
have the "nose" to see what they are dealing with. If you start
playing, they will answer accordingly, not because you look like a
suspect, it is more like an answer. Do you really think they like what
they are doing, Robert ? How whould you feel inspecting people's
luggage like a thief ? Or suspecting them ? Those are the rules ...

I like the humour on undeadly, but this article was not for me. I saw
a guy who was tried to get as more attention as he can. You don't need
the fifth wheel on a running car, Robert. Four are enough. If you
insist to use it, you will get people attention for sure.

The gipsy part is not funny also, but this is clear not for m...@.

Have fun ! (but not in sensible areas).

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