On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 04:28:57PM +0300, Mihai Popescu B.S. wrote:
> Hello,
> My post was not intended as a direct hit for the article. I told my
> opinion to misc@ because undeadly ask for subscription, no more
> anonymous coward post. Am I wrong ?
> I target airport behaviour with my comment. I use the airport for 6
> flight until now, no problem at all with security teams. I was quick
> and polite in answers and the time with them was short. Most of them
> have the "nose" to see what they are dealing with.

bullshit.  sorry, but that is not true.

I regularly get picked on by "authority", but it's alwasy just been
a pointless hassle.  I'll never forget the time a cop stopped me
in my own neighborhood, in the rain, for walking against a signal,
when his car was the only moving vehicle within a half mile.  the
best part was when he dropped his papers in a puddle.

> If you start
> playing, they will answer accordingly, not because you look like a
> suspect, it is more like an answer.

the only playing was their own game.  after all, it is they who
choose to start the games.

> Have fun ! (but not in sensible areas).

but see, if authority can't take that you're laughing because their
questions and assumptions *really are* ridiculous ...

the lady in the office where jcr was "held" when we met him was
in charge of the place.  and it's clear why she was in charge.
she was sharp and no-nonsense.  of course, you want such people
in charge of such places.

even after we got out of that office I still had to deal with
another person who inspected my bags.  with this uy though, I
shared a good laugh, even though he was pretty thorough.

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