And if you are a veteran air traveler you know that those so called
security guards aren't what they crack up to be.  They do not have a
nose for anything and the entire security apparatus is nothing but
subsidized labor.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 04:28:57PM +0300, Mihai Popescu B.S. wrote:
> Hello,
> My post was not intended as a direct hit for the article. I told my
> opinion to misc@ because undeadly ask for subscription, no more
> anonymous coward post. Am I wrong ?
> I target airport behaviour with my comment. I use the airport for 6
> flight until now, no problem at all with security teams. I was quick
> and polite in answers and the time with them was short. Most of them
> have the "nose" to see what they are dealing with. If you start
> playing, they will answer accordingly, not because you look like a
> suspect, it is more like an answer. Do you really think they like what
> they are doing, Robert ? How whould you feel inspecting people's
> luggage like a thief ? Or suspecting them ? Those are the rules ...
> I like the humour on undeadly, but this article was not for me. I saw
> a guy who was tried to get as more attention as he can. You don't need
> the fifth wheel on a running car, Robert. Four are enough. If you
> insist to use it, you will get people attention for sure.
> The gipsy part is not funny also, but this is clear not for m...@.
> Have fun ! (but not in sensible areas).

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