Okey dokey...now I know. Hmmm...I've followed snaps for years and always check 
sums...and I can't remember a time that they failed. Well no worries...I'll 
roll with it, thanks for the reality check.

Theo de Raadt(dera...@cvs.openbsd.org)@Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 06:29:52PM -0600:
> With snapshots, this will happen from time to time.
> If people start not understanding why the install media does this
> check, and that failure is OK, then I will remove the code on the
> install media.
> Adjust your expectations.  A hash failure can be OK.
> Another alternative is that I only do snapshot builds about every
> 2 weeks.  How's that idea?
> As I say, adjust your expectations.

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