On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 10:10 AM, OpenBSD Geek <open...@e-solutions.re> wrote:
> Hi,
> I read OpenBSD FAQ at
> [url]http://www.openbsd.org/faq/fr/faq4.html#site[/url]
> I understood well, that install.site/ Upgrade.site and of course
> SiteXX.tgz is enabled at the end of the installation.
> My question, i boot on 4.7 RELEASE, choose "Install".
> Is it possible to have an "true automatic installation" for example don't
> need to put mygate, myname, "root password" ... put all the answers in a
> script ? And so have an install without any interaction with the user ?
> I suppose not possible ? because all of that are in the "install.sub"
> script (from bsd.rd)

You could have a look at http://nbender.com/install.netboot/install.html which
is no longer current and was brittle and difficult to use.

I am currently working on  the next version which is much better - it meets
all your requirements. I'm calling it redux and I'm including the readme below.

What's left to do is additional testing, documentation, and updating for any
changes in 4.8 (it is working now against 4.7).



Welcome to redux, an OpenBSD automated installation framework.

redux enhances the standard OpenBSD installation procedure by
enabling the following functionality:

1. Record all choices made during an installation.
2. Enable an automated installation using recorded choices.
3. Allow interactive revision of a previously recorded
   installation session.
4. Provide support for network based fully automated
   installation using only tools provided by OpenBSD.

redux is ditributed as a Makefile, a set of patches to the
standard installation scripts and a small number of additional
installation scripts. Building the entire source tree is not
required as redux uses an existing ditribution as the starting
point. By default it assumes that the OpenBSD source tree is
loaded in /usr/src and that the installation CD is mounted on
/mnt (see the top of the makefile to adjust these locations).
The output of the make process is a modified installation
ramdisk which can be booted using pxeboot. The ramdisk could
also be used to construct a boot CD which will be supported
in a future release.

An effort has been made to minimize the changes to the default
scripts to minimize ongoing maintenance as the base system
evolves. A patch to the standard pxeboot program is also
provided which enables additional network boot functionality
for the i386 and amd64 architectures. redux has been tested on
the i386 and amd64 architectures but should be usable on other

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