How can i test your 'redux' ?
I found that :
thanks for your replies



On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:31:52 -0700, Nick Bender <> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 10:10 AM, OpenBSD Geek <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I read OpenBSD FAQ at
>> [url][/url]
>> I understood well, that and of course
>> SiteXX.tgz is enabled at the end of the installation.
>> My question, i boot on 4.7 RELEASE, choose "Install".
>> Is it possible to have an "true automatic installation" for example
>> need to put mygate, myname, "root password" ... put all the answers in
>> script ? And so have an install without any interaction with the user ?
>> I suppose not possible ? because all of that are in the "install.sub"
>> script (from bsd.rd)
> You could have a look at
> which
> is no longer current and was brittle and difficult to use.
> I am currently working on  the next version which is much better - it
> all your requirements. I'm calling it redux and I'm including the readme
> below.
> What's left to do is additional testing, documentation, and updating for
> any
> changes in 4.8 (it is working now against 4.7).
> -N
> ========================================================
> Welcome to redux, an OpenBSD automated installation framework.
> redux enhances the standard OpenBSD installation procedure by
> enabling the following functionality:
> 1. Record all choices made during an installation.
> 2. Enable an automated installation using recorded choices.
> 3. Allow interactive revision of a previously recorded
>    installation session.
> 4. Provide support for network based fully automated
>    installation using only tools provided by OpenBSD.
> redux is ditributed as a Makefile, a set of patches to the
> standard installation scripts and a small number of additional
> installation scripts. Building the entire source tree is not
> required as redux uses an existing ditribution as the starting
> point. By default it assumes that the OpenBSD source tree is
> loaded in /usr/src and that the installation CD is mounted on
> /mnt (see the top of the makefile to adjust these locations).
> The output of the make process is a modified installation
> ramdisk which can be booted using pxeboot. The ramdisk could
> also be used to construct a boot CD which will be supported
> in a future release.
> An effort has been made to minimize the changes to the default
> scripts to minimize ongoing maintenance as the base system
> evolves. A patch to the standard pxeboot program is also
> provided which enables additional network boot functionality
> for the i386 and amd64 architectures. redux has been tested on
> the i386 and amd64 architectures but should be usable on other
> architectures.

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