I thought this would be very simple ... I would add a line like this to my aliases file:

@       username

... and all email addressed to a nonexistent username would, instead, be received by "username".

This is what a catchall email address looks like and this is a very simple and reasonable to expect this to function.

Smart people reading this already know that the '@' alias is not allowed in the opensmtpd aliases file and that what I have just described WILL NOT WORK.

But why ?

What is the danger here ? How does this break things ? What terrible evils will I release upon mankind if I were (gasp!) allowed to specify an '@' in my aliases file and just go about my business ?

As it stands, my very simple, very readable smtpd.conf file which does not use a virtusertable and does not reference "virtual" anywhere now needs all kinds of extra complexity (double the number of lookup tables, etc.) just to add this one, single catch-all.

Also, FWIW, I am on attempt number four of cramming virtusers into my setup that doesn't need it ... and failing. My five minute task of adding a catchall email is in hour number four and it still doesn't work.

-->  Why ?  <--

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