
resuming all the design issues we had during the project. I seams the current solution is quite close to be "good".

* It is (will be) controllable by Midi.
* It looks polished
* It supports the two main use-case which where the original reasons for the second pane, sorting track and AutoDJ-ing well.

The only issue that the pane selection is unintuitive and different to that what might be learned from other app.

Or is there something else?

At one point in our design phase we have coupled the input focus with the pane selection. This seams to be a bad decision and the source of confusion.

How about reverting it and replace it by a preselection icon at the right end of the breadcrumb. Somehow an inverse pin icon, which may look like a pointing down hand. (see attached)

This should work according these rules:
* A feature opens in the left pane (1) by default.
* You can override this behaviour by preselecting the right pane (n) via setting the pointing hand.
* After the feature is shown, the preselection is reset.
* The pane association is stored, if no pane is preselected, the feature is shown where it was before. * we can enhance this feature by showing a temporary reselection icon when hovering the button bar.

From this version, we can enhance this by tabs and pin icon if required.

What do you think?

Kind regards,


Am 21.08.2016 um 02:23 schrieb Ferran Pujol Camins:

2016-08-21 2:04 GMT+02:00 Daniel Schürmann <dasch...@mixxx.org

    Without the pin feature he can still loose the AutoDJ pane association.
    There is no way to prevent having the AutoDJ left or in a second Tab,
    which is undesired in most cases.

That's true, the "only one auto-dj feature open" restriction would have
to be removed, but this is something that should be done anyway.

It is also true that the tab model is very difficult to manage with a

So what about the simpler model nº 2) i proposed:

    2. Right panes can be blocked (or pinned). A blocked right pane
    can't get the focus so its feature can't change. This alone does not
    solve the use cases that worried you, but if you add a third pane
    that can be hidden/shown you can pin auto-dj there and you are good
    to go.

With it you can always have auto-dj in the same place while I can get
"feature always opens where focus is". It is simpler so it should be
easier to map to controllers. What do you think?

    A solution would be to remove all the focus issues and introduce
    independent selectors for each pane. We could put the button bar
    into a flout menu and open it always directly left to the focused pane.
    Unfortunately such a model is hard to control by a Midi.

That could also work. It is a promising idea.

    Or we could open a feature always in the left pane and add a button
    "Pin right" Or "Pin to new Tab" if you like.
    Releasing the Pin will remove the tab then.

Or even always open features in new tabs that cannot change but can be
closed? Maybe the simplest model. I also like this.

    By the way, we have discussed the same as "sticky views" which have
    now become the saved searches. If you have a close look to it, you
    will see that they are similar to your tabs. The save Icon does the
    same as "open in a new Tab"

It's not exactly the same. Here we re talking about features, not search
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