On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Alan Murrell wrote:

>Here's what I did:
>  1. mknod /dev/v4l/video1 c 81 1 (because my bttv
>modules takes '/dev/v4l/video0')
>  2. export LAV_VIDEO_DEV=/dev/v4l/video1
>  3. cd /usr/local/zoran; update buz
>I made sure all modules that should be loaded
>appeaered to be loaded; the 'videodev' module showed
>bot 'zoran' and 'bttv' using it.  However, when I use
>the same recording command, I get:
>**ERROR: [lavrec] Error opening video-device
>(/dev/v4l/video1): No such device
>++ WARN: [lavrec] Not ready for capture (state = 0)!
>Press enter to start recording>Recording time  : 
>Lost frames     : 000
>A/V sync ins/del: 000/000
>Audio errors    : 000
>Here is a listing of '/dev/v4l':
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -l /dev/v4l
>total 0
>crw-------    1 root     sys       81, 224 Dec 31 
>1969 vbi0
>crw-------    1 root     sys       81,   0 Dec 31 
>1969 video0
>crw-------    1 root     root      81,   1 Mar 21
>00:10 video1

Are you sure your lavrec gets run as root?, otherwise you might have a 
problem opening the device ;o)

  Morten Bøgeskov (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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  Nobody sees your little defeat
    If she rejects you...

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