
 >      yuvfps reports:
 >cat stream.yuv | yuvfps -v2 > debout
 >   INFO: [yuvfps] yuv2fps (version 0.1) is a general frame resampling utility 
 >for yuv streams
 >   INFO: [yuvfps] (C) 2002 Alfonso Garcia-Patino Barbolani 
 >   INFO: [yuvfps] yuv2fps -h for help, or man yuv2fps
 >   INFO: [yuvfps] Converting from 29969999:500000 to 29969999:500000

"stream.yuv" is the stream captured by "GATOS", right?

Could you send us the output of 
    "head -n1 stream.yuv",
and the output of 
    "cat stream.yuv | yuvfps -v2 -r 30:1 | head -n1"

The problem is most probably due to a bug in yuvfps's resample() function,
 due to the logic of this code:

      srcInc = src_frame_rate.n * frame_rate.d ;
      dstInc = frame_rate.n * src_frame_rate.d ;
      while( Y4M_ERR_EOF != read_error_code && write_error_code == Y4M_OK ) {
        currCount += srcInc ;
        while( currCount >= dstInc && Y4M_ERR_EOF != read_error_code ) {
          currCount -= dstInc ;
          ++src_frame_counter ;

The multiplications in the assignments of "srcInc" and "dstInc" have
 certainly overflowed.  They should be made into big, fat 64-bit int's,
 and/or some check for overflow should be made.

Also, GATOS, or whatever produced the stream, should be fixed.  I'm guessing
 that the headers will show that it is specifying "59939998:1000000" as the
 framerate, which is dumb --- that should be "60000:1001", if anything.

-matt m.

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