
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 07:20:10PM +0200, Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> > What happens if you revert that pulldown with yuvkineco (-F 1) and take
> > than a look at the stream ?
> I get the error "unsupported field order" and no stream.

> > >   <http://www.killerbunnies.org/~dsb/temp/image42.jpg>
> > That would look more like some strange interlacing.
> Yeah, that's what's got me worried:  that my capture card is somehow out
> of sync with the video input, and that's the source of my problems.
Which video source and video card do you use ? If you use a VCR please
try it again with a other source. 

Some other weird thought could it be that someone made a framerate
conversation and inserted (copied/overlay/bend) frames/fields ? 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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