On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Richard Ellis wrote:

> Do you have any hard and fast documentation on the resolution / error
> rate / tolerance on the Canopus ADC converter?  Otherwise, for a

        The manual not handy at the moment

> consumer / pro-sumer level device, a couple percent error rate I'd
> think wouldn't be seen as too big an error rate.  Standard discrete
        That'd be completely horrid - several percent might be acceptable in
        a $49 converter but part of what the extra money went to was hopefully
        better quality conversion.

        The point I was trying (and apparently failing) to make was that 
        the encoder will see things that the eye does not and that the encoder 
        can end up amplifying that information to where it produces visible 

        If you're wondering why the contrast isn't what you expected or that
        the blacks look muddy or washed out - it could well be a color cast
        in addition to the usual noise.  

        Ok - I'll attach the screen shot showing the "with" and "without"
        correction.  Came from an old VHS tape and most folks would simply
        accept the image as it was since it would look "good enough".  After
        cleaning it up it's, well, wow - so that's what it should look like! :)
        The left side is the original, the right side is after the various
        filters were applied.  Just a little bit noticeable eh?

> Could some of the "noise" actually be from the laser disk capturing
> some of the film grain?

        Could be that - but the frame I was looking at was between selections
        on the disk, basically the black after the movie/cartoon had long

        Doesnt' really matter where the "noise" is coming from - it's there,
        the eye doesn't really see it but the encoder does and from what I've
        seen is one of the causes of the "blocky dark areas' folks mention
        fairly often.

        Steven  Schultz

<<attachment: shot.jpg>>

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