On Sat, 26 Mar 2005, E.Chalaron wrote:

> I don't know if it's an education thing but people were running with their 
> camera those days !!! amazing !!! 

        And without a "Glidecam" or other stabilizing/gyro unit being used.

> > >   y4mspatialfilter default values before mpeg2enc pipe
> Would you use it before a y4munsharp or after ?

        I'd put the y4munsharp last - just before going into the encoder, that
        seems to work well as "finishing step".

> >     -t 3 -z 2 might be a worthwhile set of values to try.
> ARRRGGLLL 50 hours to encode !! 

        Time for that new dual Opteron system, eh? <grin> 

        If that's a bit pricey then a single AMD64-3500 (or perhaps the -3700
        has moved down a little in price) would be a big help when running
        filtering pipelines.  It's not the "encoder" that is taking a lot
        of time but rather then pre-processing.

> Well, I actually moved from Edge Sens to Simple; make things much easier to 
> process.

        I'm not sure what "edge sense" is - would that be "exact"?

> Well I have to swap and modify the frame speed. One more piece of code to go 
> and I'll be fine :-)

        Or perhaps two pieces of code if the swap and frame speed were 
        done as separate tools.   Hmmm, I wonder if a "--swap" option to
        the pnmtoy4m would be a useful enough option for Matt to add it...

        Steven Schultz

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