Following last week mails due to my poor results

Here is what I am aiming at for the telecine, from various inputs, mostly 
Steven Schultz and Steven Boswell, thanks for their time and patience (they 
should get an annual award of some sort)

I am using the default values (e.g  nothing behind it).
        1/ Reduced G to 10, q values where constantly "sky rocketing" after a 
        2/ Brought up a bit the -q to 3 instead of 1 then 2.
        3/ -K Hi-res    
        4/ the usual -D 10 -R 0
        5/ no yudenoise at all. Default values of yuvdenoise where blurring the 
        lot despite keeping q around 2 to 3 for -q 2
        6/ y4mspatialfilter default values before mpeg2enc pipe
        7/ boosted -r to 20
        8/ set -b to 9000
I still have to test y4mdenoise properly, but values of -t 1 -z 1 seems far 
too high. Need to learn more about its parameters.

With this values peak and average bit rate are 9000 and 8000 respectively 

However I did downscale my big frames with 
pnmtoy4m | yuvdenoise -r 16 -l 2 -F | y4mscaler -O option cubic | y4munsharp 

The option cubic seems important when using a Bayer filter, otherwise some 
pattern (Edge sens in my case) will ring a lot (see the y4mscaler page)

Next steps : 
        A/ include y4mdenoiser with proper values and learn the new yuvdenoise, 
        to compare both of them
        B/ Modify yuvflip to make a yuvswap
        C/ Use the new yuvmotion from Jerome
With ABC I will be able to avoid the DV stage hence very likely to improve 

Thanks a lot to all again


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