
Lance F. Squire schrieb:
> Due to my main board dieing, and getting a value replacement board from 
> a friend....
> I have had to revive my Buz card. (No firewire on this board)
> FC6 does automatically sense the Zoran chip, however things are not 
> properly set-up for XawTV to view from it.
> I can only find very old info on setting up the Buz. Is there a site 
> with more up to date info? Or someone that has one working on a current 
> kernel?
The driver for the zoran board is in the kenel now. you might just need 
to load the modules by hand.

If the card if found by lspci.
Try lsmod to find out if some zoran modules are alreaddy loaded. If you 
have some saa* and zr* drivers loaded it should work.

What is the output of xawtv, and what options did you use for starting 
xawtv ?

If that produces no real usefull help please unload all zoran modules. 
and try loding the zoran driver manually:
modprobe zr36067 low_bitrate=1

The important thing is the low_bitrate option, you need it for the buz.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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