Hi Andrei,

> Well, yeah, but code doesn't change all by itself - there are people
> making the decisions, etc. Basically, it looks like mjpegtools has a too
> long development cycle. All the good stuff is always in CVS, and it
> stays there for years.

I guess you're probably still a young fellow ... ;-). As ever in SW 
engineering its not the *deciding* (despite what countless books for 
non-coding project managers and bosses might lead you to believe) its the 
*doing*.   And *doing* needs oodles of time.   When I was young(er) and still 
working as an Academic I could really motor along on my open-source projects.  
Seriously, as you get older you not only have less time but also more money 
to indulge in other distractions.

I would *love* to get a solid 8-16 hours a week in on mpeg2enc/mplex like I 
used to years ago but I now have (in no particular order): a wife, a young 
son (cute!), a day-job doing equally interesting SW engineering, a house, and 
enough money to indulge my motorcycle-racing habit. If I'm honest another 
factor is that technology has moved on and I simply no longer *need* to 
compress recorded video for myself anymore (all MPEG-2 DTV, soon H.264 HDTV).

Longer term the future for 'on-computer' video is clearly with H.264.  MPEG-2 
lives primarily so folks can burn standard DVDs.  Its like (S)VCD.   2-3 
years back a hot topic.  Now... nil interest. 

If I could find an interested person wanting to take over as 'owner' I'd 
gladly invest time in explanation/support to do a proper hand over.  So far 
no interest.  Hopefully (I work from home nowadays) I'll have a bit more time 
this winter and push mpeg2enc forward again!




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