> El 03/05/11 17:54, WanMil escribió:
>>> El 03/05/11 13:40, Carlos Dávila escribió:
>>>> El 02/05/11 22:33, WanMil escribió:
>>>>>> Do somebody know, what this error means:
>>>>>> Ccode == null name=BELGI? - BELGIQUE - BELGIEN
>>>>> I have seen them too. The border of belgium is tagged with
>>>>> boundary=administrative, admin_level=2, name=BELGIE - BELGIQUE - BELGIEN
>>>>> The name is not contained in the LocatorConfig.xml so the Locator does
>>>>> not know the 3 letter ISO code for it.
>>>>> The error message is not good but it was meant only for me for debugging
>>>>> purposes.
>>>> I get the error below, but "Gibraltar / United Kingdom" is in the
>>>> LocatorConfig.xml. What's the reason in this case?
>>>> Ccode == null name=GIBRALTAR / UNITED KINGDOM
>>> What about the "Highway X has no region (define a default region to zap
>>> this warning)"? Does it mean highway X is not inside any of the boundary
>>> polygons? In such case, how to locate highway X to debug it? Only the
>>> ref is supplied and there can be lots of ways with such ref.
>> I don't understand what you are talking about. Please be more specific
>> what your problem is.
> Perhaps I did a wrong guess, but I supposed region for any highway
> should be supplied by the new locator algorithm. If that's right, the
> warning implies the affected way falls within an area not covered by any
> boundary polygon. So I would like to be able to locate that way to
> search why there is no boundary for that area.

Please provide the excat error message and your complete mkgmap options 
and your mkgmap version.

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