El 03/05/11 18:25, WanMil escribió:
>> El 02/05/11 22:33, WanMil escribió:
>>>> Do somebody know, what this error means:
>>>> Ccode == null name=BELGI? - BELGIQUE - BELGIEN
>>> I have seen them too. The border of belgium is tagged with
>>> boundary=administrative, admin_level=2, name=BELGIE - BELGIQUE - BELGIEN
>>> The name is not contained in the LocatorConfig.xml so the Locator does
>>> not know the 3 letter ISO code for it.
>>> The error message is not good but it was meant only for me for debugging
>>> purposes.
>> I get the error below, but "Gibraltar / United Kingdom" is in the
>> LocatorConfig.xml. What's the reason in this case?
>> Ccode == null name=GIBRALTAR / UNITED KINGDOM
> I have compiled spain with a geofabrik dump of today and did not get
> this error message.
I got it with the same mkgmap version and parameters sent in my previous 
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