Oh, or we could do a subtle rotational 3D transform about the x axis which 
tracked with the device rotation about the x axis, but reversed, and clipped 
to, say, +- 5 degrees. The effect would be, if you tilt the device away from 
yourself, the image would ever so subtly appear to maintain perpendicular 
orientation from your perspective. In so tilting, the top and bottom cropped 
bits would be progressively revealed/hidden. It would be another neat clue and 
super discoverable - if you move you'd notice it, and maybe want to tap it :)

I love apps. 

> On Dec 19, 2014, at 3:27 PM, Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:
>> On 19 December 2014 at 21:58, Dan Garry <dga...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> I'm sorry that you feel our efforts are not good enough.
> I didn't express a view on our efforts (I've no doubt they're
> commendable); it's the results which are causing me concern.
>> That said, for the reasons I mentioned, we've made a decision, both within
>> the team and at the highest level of the Wikimedia Foundation, to not let
>> perfect be the enemy of the good. Both with this feature, and in general.
> Great. Perfect should never be the enemy of the good.
> The problem is, the proposed change is not good; it's the opposite.
>> We can't make software that has zero edge-cases. If we tried to do that, we'd
>> never release anything.
> Indeed not. Perhaps you could explain the basis for implying that the
> instances I found (perhaps I was unlucky) are "edge cases". Maybe
> there's some research on that you could share?
>> Especially with only two engineers.
> Yes; you mentioned that before. I suspect, therefore, that there's
> some underlying yet serious issue about resourcing for your team. I'd
> be happy to support you if you make a call for extra resources to
> solve this and other issues, and to enable more or faster improvements
> in the future. But I don't see it as justification for proceeding with
> what appears to be a significant bug still in place, and one for which
> no solution appears to be in sight.
> -- 
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
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