Dear members,
Hope you all are well!
I have recently joined this group as I would like to be connected with you all 
and share best practices/useful information  we have learnt in our life .
I stay near Delhi and currently working as Assistant Finance Manager in the 
private sector. I am a Maths . Honours graduate from Delhi University and have 
been working for almost ten years in finance sector. I have RP and I preferred 
to study and work in the main stream institutions and work places as I had 
always a lot to learn  to be able to cope up with the sighted people although 
coming this far I realize that I made it very challenging and difficult for 
myself and  I think that another reason for it is that I was not confident 
about voicing my issue when I should have.
Early this year , I learnt to use screen reader and other assistive 
technologies and I am keen to make most of what I can .
Talking about my interests , I am always eager to learn new things and an avid 
reader . I am fond of writing poems . I also love to travel when ever I get an 
opportunity .

It is super to see so many useful info being shared which I had gone through so 
far .
I would like to congratulate to all of those who had initiated such a wonderful 
group and the contributing members!
Thanks & Regards,
Meesha Arora
One has to put up with the Rain to see the Rainbow!

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