Hi Florian, *,

Am 16.10.2011 09:51 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

> Michael has been asking for quite a while already that we disable
> the so-called reply-to mangling on our mailing lists.

> Michael, maybe you can elaborate a bit on that and we see what the 
> moderators think, so we can maybe disable the function?

I'm not Michael, nevertheless I'll answer :o)).

reply-to mangling is a quite religious discussion since beginnig of the
millenium[1], so whatever You do - deliver mangled mails or "vanilla"
ones You will hit someones foot.

[1] http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html 2002
or search for "reply to harmful"

The two main arguments are:
- pro: You loose valuable contributions which go lost through beeing
  sent private by simply answering to the recipient instead of the list.

- con: There is a hight risk to have private content published because
  simple reply to the author is sent to the list without using the
  dedicated means for that.

If You ask my opinion I'm in favor of "vanilla" mails, as avoiding
accidently publishing private content has higher priority than loosing
some contribution (which btw. is easy to repair compared to the first
one). Recently I tried to turn a listmail to a private one with
thunderbird. It definitely only succeeds deleting the mailadress and
manually insert that of the author. Every other approach sends the mail
to the list (which is correct behaviour because reply-to is designed to
enable *the author* to have the answer sent to a mailadress different to
the one he used for sending).

But we've to be aware, if we change it, we will because of the issue's
religous nature loose some people, as we probably already did, while
introducing reply-to mangling.

I nevertheless support to do that change due to the above stated risk.

Friedrich Strohmaier
- Admin team -
The Document Foundation

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