From: Katherine Marie Early <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> i was reading through the list tonight and i saw that everyone was talking
> about 3 kings, fight club, and american booty (sorry, that's a stupid
> joke, don't pay attention to that).  anyway...i've seen american 2 times
> so far and it's quite possibly one of the best things i've ever seen.
> it seems that of all my friends i'm the only 1 who likes it.

You must have some fucking stupid friends then.  Saw it yesterday and
left in complete awe.  I went into it desperately hoping and praying
that it didn't invoke the typical "90s angst" issues (a la My So-Called
Life, Reality Bites, and other vapid MTV-centric shite) and I was
definitely not let down.  I think the media are being dumbasses to the
extreme in making it out to be like that - the commentary is much more
broad-based and universal than "look, we're dysfunctional".  Some of the
plot twists (I won't say which ones since I don't want to spoil them)
had me actually applauding.  In fact I applauded at the end, too, and I
haven't done that for a movie since... hell I can't even remember.  The
only complaint I had is that, I'm sorry, no weed in the WORLD is worth
$3000 for what appeared to be about an ounce or two.  You can get
several POUNDS of good weed for $3000.

The pot dealer kid and the cool girl (no, not the "cool" girl, the one
that was ACTUALLY cool, kevin spacey's daughter) reminded me of my
girlfriend and I.  Isn't that sweet.

np:Slowdive, "Dagger"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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