I liked American Beauty a great deal too. The only problem I had was with the
pseudo-philosophical babble about: The world being SOOO full of beauty...that
it fills my heart...I'm worried that it'll explode. To top it off, they had to
repeat that crap TWICE!

Later in the weekend we happened to rent Auster's Lulu on the Bridge which, in
my opinion, had a similar (though not exact) theme. I enjoyed this film much
more. It produced the same thoughts in me, but I didn't have to suffer through
the annoying voice-overs telling me what I should be gleaning from the story.
There is nothing that bothers me more than directors/writers feeling the need
to spell it out like that (especially in such cotton-candy-esque lines like:
My heart is like a balloon!).

Feeling fully vented,

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Katherine Marie Early wrote:

> i was reading through the list tonight and i saw that everyone was talking
> about 3 kings, fight club, and american booty (sorry, that's a stupid
> joke, don't pay attention to that).  anyway...i've seen american 2 times
> so far and it's quite possibly one of the best things i've ever seen.
> it seems that of all my friends i'm the only 1 who likes it.  where was i
> going with this?  oh yeah, i found it odd, though that the character i
> identified with the most was lester.  odd, because i'm a 19 year old
> female but he made too much sense to me and it was painful to watch him.
> oh geez, i need to shut up.    
> kt
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> it's easier to drink on an empty stomach than eat on a broken heart.
> joan of arc (the band)

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