well.  I have been on this list for around a year and
this is my first post.  After meeting a very cool girl
last week at the fireside and hearing that she had
gotten chewed out for saying she was going to wear a
modest mouse t-shirt to a modest mouse show (and this
is important, say, like erasing third world debt?) I
figured I'd introduce myself and take tiny jabs at
certain people on certain subjects.  I know a bunch of
you already did this a few months back, but I was too
lazy (and couldn't figure out how to post).

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
Zach/Bloomington-Normal Illinois/ 20yrs11mos8days
2.What is your favorite mouse song?
Never Ending Math Equation
3.What are five records you couldn't live without
(right now)?
Jeff Buckley- Grace
Camden- Real Time Canvas
Les Savy Fav- The Cat and the Cobra
Elliott Smith- Figure 8 
the Mt. St. helens- on time, always EP
4. Putting records on the internet for free download: 
bad or good?
Bad.  I don't care if the band doesn't try to stop
you, you are stealing from them.  If you want to hear
a record before deciding to buy it, cool.  But don't
burn a cd that you want from a band you respect unless
you plan on buying it when it comes out.
5.  Ebay, bad or good?
Bad.  I saw someone pay $30 american for two Jimmy eat
world stickers that the band gave out for
free...auctions are for the filthy rich, not the
6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?
I think that's an honest question, but I hope that no
one is desperate enough to vote for themselves for
7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
Yes, and to make this sound completely unpretentious I
am one of the very LUCKY/fortunate few who actually
paid for it legit online through K records.  Please
kids, wait for the new record to come out, this is not
worth 50 bucks.
8.  First live show?
Neds atomic dustbin, Vic theatre chicago, May 1995
9.  Worst live show?
the pinehurst kids last week (can anyone say, goo goo
10.  Favorite sound?
11.  least favorite sound?
wazzzzzzzzzup (two months old, and already I want to
kill it
12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?
bad and good.  I like to see if people's writing
matches their appearance but I think people posting a
picture next to their real email is just asking for
cyber stalkers.
13.  What book should every person in america read?
without a doubt, Howard Zinn's *A People's History of
the United States*
You don't know shit about history if you don't know
what it was like for the poor/oppressed/helpless.
14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
I see no point for bands to sign to majors when they
have had a healthy and profitable existance on an
indie.  those who say it is impossible to thrive on an
indie are kidding themselves, but so are those who say
major labels don't do shit.  after seeing what
happened to sense field (dropped after a year with a
record in limbo) dismemberment plan (dropped after
writing the most accesible indie rock for a major
since Nevermind) and jawbox, I just don't see the
15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
I personally don't like to do it, but what people wear
to a show makes no difference to me.
16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
good.  I am not on this list to hear gossip about the
band or find out tour dates, I am on it because I
respect other people's opinions and want to hear about
things other than mm.
17.  Favorite beer?
Bud Light.
18.  Favorite color?
19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
Grace Catherine- girl
Tristan Matthew- boy
20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
tons about a person)?
The Thin Red Line
Good Will Hunting
L.A Confidential/American Beauty

well, this is a long list that really reveals less
than I thought it would.  I just wanted to out myself,
I probably won't write ever again... and jenny from
normal if you read this, are you going to tristeza on

Normal IL

"Your world at it's worst seems bearable" braid

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