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my first time posting one these things...I can't believe I submitted =0

>1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?


>2.What is your favorite mouse song?

Trucker's Atlas

>3.What are five records you couldn't live without

Boards of Canada--Music Has the Right to Children
Belle & Sebastian--If You're Feeling Sinister
Neutral Milk Hotel--On Avery Island
Beach Boys--Pet Sounds
Aphex Twin--Richard D James Album
Joan of Arc--How Memory Works

B&S and Joan of Arc could have been any of the albums really

>4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
>bad or good?

good--I'll listen to it, if I like it I'll but it, if I don't I delete it.

>5.  Ebay, bad or good?

Great! If you're going to be a capitalist at all, might as well do it to 
the broadest market available.  Bad only when selling illegal items (cd-rs 
of live shows etc)

>6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
>voting for himself or what?

Russ is hot!

>7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

next question.....

>8.  First live show?

David Copperfield, oh you mean music.......

Helmet I think? In 1993 or so?

>9.  Worst live show?

>Dymaxion (openers for Stereolab.) Ick.

>10.  Favorite sound?

logarithmically decaying sine wave from 80hz to 0hz over about 5 s.

>11.  least favorite sound?


12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
>on the internet bad/good?

It bothers me just as much as guys posting their pictures and email 
addresses....that is, not at all.....

>13.  What book should every person in america read?

Underworld by Don Dellilo or any of the short stories collections by Philip 
K Dick or LIfe After God by Douglas Coupland

>14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

whatever floats your boat

>15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
go naked for all I care

>16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

doesn't bother me

>17.  Favorite beer?

Gin & tonic with lime

18.  Favorite color?

overcast days
sunny days

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

Jon-Benet Ramsey

>20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
>tons about a person)?

2001:  A Space Odyssey
nothing else is close

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