Many thanks to all who replied.

1. I think I can summarize the responses so far as boiling down to how I
do session management (hidden fields, URL mangling, cookies) and that I
will have to develop my own authentication mechanism.
(The reason I hoped there might be a solution using Apache's standard
authentication mechanism is because users with login credentials will
also be able to access a message board which which uses Basic
authentication to validate them).
2. URL-based sessions are tempting (work with cookie-less browsers), but
seem a headache to implement site-wide, tho it might just be my
inexperience with them speaking here.
3. I am going to be using HTML::Mason for this site, so I will probably
use Apache::Session for session management with cookies.
By the way, the article that Jeffrey pointed me to
is very interesting - I ordered a copy of the book after reading it.

Thanks again.


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