On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Siracusa wrote:
> On 10/31/99 4:23 AM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > Well I'll show by example. Take slash (the perl scripts for slashdot.org)
> I'm assuming you wanted this read like the classic:
>     "Take my wife...please!"
> I mean, have you actually looked at the code here?
>     http://www.slashdot.org/code.shtml
> It's a horror show, truly.  Return values go unchecked, quoting
> operators are ignored, subroutine naming conventions are
> nonexistent, "use" statements are buried in subroutines as if
> they were runtime directives, etc. etc.  Slashdot has much bigger
> problems than a lack of a "generic server" architecture, IMO ;)


I used slash as an example because I'm working on a similarish commercial
piece of software. And the code is cleaner than slash's code (man, no
wonder slashdot is down so often...). It's because my NNTP server code does
a lot of the stuff that Apache does. For example, for truly fast file
serving you need to do memory mapped IO (apparently - I know nothing about
it). My NNTP server component does open() calls. It'd be nice if I could
utilise Apache's file reading/caching/delivering functions.


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