On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
> I'm assuming that Perl itself is reentrant, since it has been embedded
> in multithreaded environments before (IIS).  Hopefully someone can
> comment on that.

This work was based on PERL_OBJECT support, which is currently only
available on windows. It's a perl interpreter wrapped up in a C++ object so
that the whole thing is reentrant. For 5.6 I believe a similar
functionality but in C is being added (or is moving out of experimental
mode) called MULTIPLICITY.

I don't think this can be emulated using Perl's Threads, because in the
Apache model we want each separate interpreter (Apache thread) to have it's
own globals - we don't want to be re-writing everyone's modules to be
reentrant - it'd take forever.


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