This would be taken care of if the delimiters for Embperl tags weren't so
common in everyday use. Gerald has said he'll work on making the delimiters
definable (so one could use straight html comments, for instance) in the next
version (ie, 1.3).


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of David Bushong
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 5:22 AM
> Subject: Embperl [- -] annoyance
> I was wondering (as Embperl embraces so very many hacks for
> the sake of
> usefulness =) if it would be considered favorable to add a
> special case
> for -] occurring inside of a regexp to be _not_ considered the end of
> a embedded perl block.
> (This may have come up before, I haven't been following the
> list, sorry)
> A few times in the past months (I've been playing with
> Embperl a lot, it's
> a hell of a lot more fun than JSP, straight CGI, or <shudder>
> HTML::Template),
> I've wanted to refer to the set of characters not equal to
> "-" in a regexp.
> Unfortunately, this results in  /...[^\-]+.../ or something
> to that effect.
> Other times, I've referred to a larger set of characters, and
> - happened
> to be at the end, causing the page to break with a very
> confusing error.
> While the simplest workaround is probably /...[^\55]+.../, that seems
> pretty silly.
> Thoughts?
> --David Bushong

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