> I was wondering (as Embperl embraces so very many hacks for the sake of
> usefulness =) if it would be considered favorable to add a special case
> for -] occurring inside of a regexp to be _not_ considered the end of
> a embedded perl block.
> (This may have come up before, I haven't been following the list, sorry)
> A few times in the past months (I've been playing with Embperl a lot, it's
> a hell of a lot more fun than JSP, straight CGI, or <shudder>
> HTML::Template),
> I've wanted to refer to the set of characters not equal to "-" in
> a regexp.
> Unfortunately, this results in  /...[^\-]+.../ or something to
> that effect.
> Other times, I've referred to a larger set of characters, and - happened
> to be at the end, causing the page to break with a very confusing error.
> While the simplest workaround is probably /...[^\55]+.../, that seems
> pretty silly.

The problem is how to determinate, if we are inside are regex. I don't can
think of a easy way to do so, without building a second perl parser.
(Somebody said, "Only Perl is able to correctly parse Perlcode"). There are
so much possibilties that could be a regex. Also counting open and close
square braces will not work, because of code like


Someday, when I build Embperl 2.0 with a new parser, such things may
possible, maybe...


P.S. If you have an esay way to determinate if we are inside a regex, let me
know and I will put it into Embperl.

Gerald Richter      ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internet - Infodatenbanken - Apache - Perl - mod_perl - Embperl

E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Tel:        +49-6133/925151
WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:        +49-6133/925152

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