>>>>> "Eric" == Eric L Brine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eric> Because of #2, Teleport Pro only has one active thread at a time, and it
Eric> is idle at least 50% of the time (when downloading image archives). In
Eric> other words, it's possible for a user can configure Teleport Pro to
Eric> hammer a server, but it behaves respectfully using the default settings.

The users that hit mine, hit my limits.  So "one bad apple does in fact
spoil the whole bunch, girl." :)

Eric> Their site: http://www.tenmax.com/

But fear this, at <http://www.tenmax.com/teleport/pro/features.htm>:

    <li><b>Ten simultaneous retrieval threads</b> get data at the
    fastest speeds possible

    <li>Server-side image map exploration -- translates server-side
    maps into client-side maps for offline browsing

    <li>Server Overload Protection -- prevents remote servers from
    overloading and dropping connection early

    <li>Configurable Agent Identity allows Teleport Pro to impersonate
    popular browsers; gets data from even the stingiest servers

Sounds to me like they are precisely at odds with anyone doing the
kind of blocking that I want to do.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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