Thomas> I'd like to configure my apache installation (which contains
  Thomas> several virtualhosts) to use mod_perl (compiled as DSO) only
  Thomas> with _some_ of the virtualhosts, but not all of them.

Apache fork()s children to handle requests, hence they are all exact
copies of the parent process.  Unfortunately, there isn't really a way
to do what you want.

  Thomas> That is, I'd like to put a LoadModule directive into those
  Thomas> <virtualhost> sections which use mod_perl and leave it out
  Thomas> in the other virtualhosts. The benefit (so I hoped) would be
  Thomas> a "small" httpd for the non-mod_perl-virtualhosts and a
  Thomas> bigger one for the others.

A single httpd process could handle requests for many different

You could always run separate Apache instances per vhost.  :-)


 Bruno Connelly           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Interweb Ninjaneer       Whack Productions

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