Bruno> You could always run separate Apache instances per vhost.  :-)

  Thomas> From the added ":-)", I derive that this may not be common
  Thomas> practice :)

It's not uncommon, I'm just making the assumption that if you're
worried about resource consumption, this might not your desired
solution.  However, I don't know your setup.  If you'll only be
splitting vhosts between a mod_perl enabled Apache instance and one
that's not, it might not be too bad.  ...assuming the management of
that wouldn't be too much of a headache.

  Thomas> However, if I'd like to do so, I'd have to split up my
  Thomas> httpd.conf into a part with mod_perl-using-vhosts and a part
  Thomas> with the remaining vhosts and setup 2 startup scripts for 2
  Thomas> separate apache instances, both listening on port 80 (or 443
  Thomas> for https).

Yup, it's pretty straight forward.  Given you won't want to bind() to
every interface plumbed on the machine, you'll probably want to put in
a Listen directive per vhost.  Unless you're doing name based
vhost'ing, but you'll still want a single Listen directive per

  Thomas> Has anyone ever tried such a setup or used it for a longer
  Thomas> period in a production setup?

It should work fine, just keep in mind the extra resources required
for multiple instances (especially with pre-forking).  But again,
splitting one instance into two shouldn't be too nasty.


 Bruno Connelly           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Interweb Ninjaneer       Whack Productions

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