Hi again,

P.S. I seem to have just duplicated the problem running JUST the
example.perl script contained within the Apache::session distribution.... It
occurs when you try to create a new session.... I am able to create a number
of new sessions, and then on the 8th or 9th try, it hangs! This is the
unmodified example.perl script (ok, I did have to do NSems=16, otherwise it
didn't work at all on Solaris)


----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Kwiatek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: Anyone else have mod_perl and Apache::session httpd hangs on

> Hi,
> Apache::session is a wonderful product.
> Is there anyone successfully using Apache::session on solaris 2.7?
> Do to MY misuse, or solaris problem,  my httpd hangs upon my
> mod_perl/Apache::session script request. I have traced the hang in my
> to where I am issuing :
>  tie %session 'Apache::session::File', $session_id, {NSems => 16};
> Most of the time it works, BUT somtimes is just plan never returns, and
> httpd process never goes away. When I try and stop/start the apache
> it says the the httpd process didn't accept the sigterm and then goes on
> issue a kill -9 on the process.....
> Is this some sort of locking problem?
> Keith
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: William P. McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 10:23 AM
> Subject: Re: XML Configuration [Was: Re: Caucho faster than mod_perl?]
> > --- Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > Would
> > people prefer to setup mod_perl using some sort of XML configuration,
> > because I might be interested in doing this, if there's interest.
> > --- end of quote ---
> >
> > I can't say it'd add much to doing it by hand, but it'd probably make
> writing configuration assistants a whole lot easier, which would be a boon
> for mod_perl (I've setup mod_perl for so many otherwise-smart friends who
> just couldn't get it going).
> >
> > -Bill
> >

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