> Could someone PLEASE remove me from this modperl mailing list?
> I've been sending email to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' almost
> every day for the past week or two, but I still keep receiving email
> from this list.
> The mailing list documentation on http://perl.apache.org says to send
> email to the address above in order to unsubscribe.  Furthermore, the
> following three headers get appended to every message in this list,
> which further supports the idea that I need to use of that particular
> email address for unsubscription requests:
>   list-help: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   list-unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   list-post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If no one is available/able to remove me from this list, perhaps
> there's something special and undocumented that I need to do in order
> to unsubscribe ... if so, could someone please let me know?

It's probably because you are subscribed by the address different from the
one you send the unsubscribe request from. If you read the reponse that
you get when you send to [EMAIL PROTECTED], you will see how to
unsubscribe from the mail account different from the one listed in the
mod_perl list db. 

Hope this helps.

> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
>  Lloyd Zusman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  perl -le '$n=170;for($d=2;($d*$d)<=$n;$d+=(1+($d%2))){for($t=0;($n%$d)==0;
>  $t++){$n=int($n/$d);}while($t-->0){push(@r,$d);}}if($n>1){push(@r,$n);}
>  $x=0;map{$x+=(($_>0)?(1<<log($_-0.5)/log(2.0)+1):1)}@r;print $x'

Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/      | mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://perl.org    http://stason.org/TULARC/
http://singlesheaven.com| http://perlmonth.com http://sourcegarden.org

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