On 1 May 2000, Lloyd Zusman wrote:

> Yep ... I understand all this, and I have sucessfully done it many
> times before with other mailing lists to which I've been subscribed.

>From the qmail log files I can't see any attempts from you. I only have
logs from the last 2-3 days though.
> The problem seems to be that I'm not receiving the initial replies
> with the pseudo-random key.
> Has anyone actually gotten these `modperl-unsubscribe' or
> `modperl-help' addresses to work successfully within the past week or
> two?

More than a hundred people have successfully subscribed or unsubscribed in
the past two weeks.

I will unsubscribe you manually.

  - ask

ask bjoern hansen - <http://www.netcetera.dk/~ask/>
more than 70M impressions per day, <http://valueclick.com>

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