On 1 May 2000, Lloyd Zusman wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank D. Cringle) writes:
> > Lloyd Zusman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I've been sending email to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' almost
> > > every day for the past week or two, but I still keep receiving email
> > > from this list.
> > 
> > The list is run using ezmlm.  Sending mail to modperl-unsubscribe is
> > just the first step in the process.  You should receive a reply from
> > the list server containing a pseudo-random key.  Return the key to the
> > list server and you will be off the list.  This process prevents
> > forged unsubscription by third parties.
> I understand how this process works.  However, the problem is that I
> received nothing in return from any of the 6-10 unsubscribe messages I
> sent to that address over the past week or two.  I also received
> nothing in return when I sent email to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.  And
> yet, I keep receiving these messages from the mailing list, so my
> email address must be valid ... :)
> I sent the requests to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and also to
> `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from the same address to which these mailing
> list emails are arriving, which is indeed the address I used when
> subscribing to the mailing list: `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
> > The initial answer you get from the unsubscribe address may also say
> > "you are not on the list".  That means that the address you sent the
> > mail from is not on the list.  The address through which list mail is
> > reaching you is encoded in the return-path of each mail you receive
> > from the list.  That is the address that you need to use when
> > unsubscribing.
> Yep ... I understand all this, and I have sucessfully done it many
> times before with other mailing lists to which I've been subscribed.
> The problem seems to be that I'm not receiving the initial replies
> with the pseudo-random key.
> Has anyone actually gotten these `modperl-unsubscribe' or
> `modperl-help' addresses to work successfully within the past week or
> two?

Heh, isn't that like saying "Raise your hand, anyone who is not present" ?

> -- 
>  Lloyd Zusman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  perl -le '$n=170;for($d=2;($d*$d)<=$n;$d+=(1+($d%2))){for($t=0;($n%$d)==0;
>  $t++){$n=int($n/$d);}while($t-->0){push(@r,$d);}}if($n>1){push(@r,$n);}
>  $x=0;map{$x+=(($_>0)?(1<<log($_-0.5)/log(2.0)+1):1)}@r;print $x'

- nick

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