> > > Stas Bekman wrote:

> > > the guide is getting so big these days, it's hard to keep up with all the
> > > new developments.  Or maybe that entered a few versions ago :)  It's along
> > > way from the mini-guide that got me started...

> ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

> any thoughts on creating a search engine for the
> guide only?
> i am using htdig here and it seems to work real well.

Yeah, I've been thinking about it. There was one site that has offered me
to provide a good search engine and they did, but the problem is that they
didn't keep up with new releases, so people were searching the outdated
version, which is quite bad -- I've removed the reference to it, after
asking them to update their copy for a few months, with no results.

So if any of you can host the search index of the guide and *keep it
updated* with the latest version, go ahead and help you and others to get
the most out of the guide with least effort. Personally I use grep when
I'm lost in the Guide :)

I think we must get a search engine that highlights the words that were
looked for. Otherwise it'd be useless, as you will get a page of 200k with
no particular help. Another acceptible solution would be an engine that
will return the links to the lines the match was on, like the search
engine used in the Cross-Referencing Linux: http://lxr.linux.no/
Try for example:

Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/      | mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://perl.org    http://stason.org/TULARC/
http://singlesheaven.com| http://perlmonth.com http://sourcegarden.org

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