The mod_perl Guide version 1.23 is online at
and at CPAN: 
  file: $CPAN/authors/id/S/ST/STAS/Apache-mod_perl_guide-1.23.tar.gz
  size: 457357 bytes
   md5: 44acefc9d60a114f72f9dd0a35e152d0

(please allow a few hours for the mirrors to get oupdated with a new

The changes since the last version:

* guide's layout changed: Now there are two index files -- the default
  index.html shows only the names of the chapters in TOC, the new
  index_long.html shows the full TOC as before.

* guide's layout changed: Changed to simple black_on_white no fancy
  frames and colors anymore

* guide: Changed the order of the the chapters towards logical

* snippets: new: "Sending Cookies in REDIRECT Response" (Doug)

* help: new: added the digest list info (Ask Bjoern Hansen)

* performance: new: "Limiting the Number of Processes Serving the Same

* troubleshooting: updated: "RegistryLoader: Translation of uri [...]
  to filename failed"

* porting: update: "using format() and write()" -- using sprintf (Matt

* perl: new: "Variables Globally, Lexically Scoped And Fully
  Qualified" (Ged W. Haywood)

* build suite: documenting the build script so others could reuse this
  code in their documentation generation chores.

* performance: a complete reorganizing of the content toward a better

* strategy: removed "Multithreading or not Multithreading" -- has
  flaws and needs a rewrite

* performance: update: "KeepAlive" -- works only if there is a
  Content-Length header (Andreas Koenig)

* help: new: "get help with CVS"

* troubleshooting: new: "Segfaults when using XML::Parser" (DeWitt

* performance: new: "Do Not Run Everything on One mod_perl Server"
  (Joshua Chamas, Shane [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gunther Birznieks)
* minor corrections: scenario (Eric Jain), debug (Geoffrey Young).

* install: new: "mod_perl and Raven SSL" (Doug)

* scenario: new: "mod_proxy: Security Issues" (Eric Cholet)

* performance: new: "Improving Perl Code Performance Hints" =>
  "Concatination or List" (Doug)

* debug: new: "hanging processes detection: Using the Perl Trace"

* debug: new:  "Hanging because of the OS Problem" (Greg Stark)

* install: new: "About gdbm, db and ndbm libraries" (Les Mikesell)

* performance: new: "Benchmarking Apache::Registry and Perl Content

* performance: new: "Benchmarking and Apache::Request"

* porting: new: "Transitioning from Apache::Registry to Apache

* config: new: "Alias and Rewrite Conflicts" (Eric Cholet, Ask Bjoern
  Hansen, Vivek Vhera)

* scenario: new: "Front-end Back-end Proxying with Virtual Hosts"
  (Vivek Vhera, Eric Cholet)

* install: new: "APACHE_USER and APACHE_GROUP env" (Doug)

* config: new: "Overriding <Location> Setting in "Sub-Location""
  (Darren Chamberlain, Vivek Vhera)

* review: Mark Summerfield has reviewed these chapters: porting,
  correct_headers, intro, multiuser, snippets and performance.

* troubleshooting: new: "Processes Get Stuck on Graceful Restart" (Doug)

* debug: updated: "Safe Resource Locking" added utils to trace the
  open files owner processes. (Doug, Eric Cholet)

* databases: new: "Database Locking Risks"

* performance: update: "Limiting the Resources Used by httpd
  Children", explanation of the soft and hard limits (Eric Cholet)

* help: added subscription info for perl5-porters mailing list

* perl: new: "Exception Handling for mod_perl" (Matt Sergeant)

* review: Ged W. Haywood was very kind to review and correct the
  config, perl, dbm, snippets, advocacy, browserbugs, download, help,
  modules, troubleshooting, multiuser, obvious, correct_headers,
  status and hardware chapters.

* modules: new: "Apache::RequestNotes" (Geoffrey Young)



Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker      | mod_perl Guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||

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