On Wed, 17 May 2000, Robin Berjon wrote:

> At 11:19 17/05/2000 -0500, Jeremy Howard wrote:
> >Your word highlighting statement is, I suspect, controversial. On the other 
> >hand, converting to docbook is unlikely to meet much resistance from 
> >users--as long as Stas doesn't mind maintaining it!... To get the best of 
> >both worlds, why not simply chain the search engine result through a filter 
> >that does the highlighting. I bet someone's written such a filter 
> >already--anyone?
> I haven't played with it, but getting docbook out of the guide should be as
> easy as using Pod::DocBook. Fwiw, there's also been some work done on
> coming up with an xpod dtd, but I don't know how far it's advanced.

I've played with Pod::DocBook, and it's a good start, but uses the DocBook
SGML DTD, so you can't process it with XML tools. It also doesn't support
=over =item =back, which is a pretty major limitation, IMHO. However
patching it to support that shouldn't be too hard.


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